Friday, June 24, 2022

Fan-Fiction 1 Mega Mind

   Catherine was a girl who's mind was blank, but could form a thought in the blink of an eye. She would call out Star Trek episodes and game show answers all day. She is a champion at Jeapordy and several other triva shows. She has a masters degree in college education and washes her car on sunday. She has a brother named Edward who always does the dishes while she watches game shows.

Living with her brother is tiresome. Especially when he brings a girlfriend over. Being the big sister but of shorter height is always a problem. She commands her brother to do most chores as she has an early retirement. You see her left leg was severed because of a car accident. She gets a megre check every month and uses a crutch and wheel chair to get around.

There was a News Flash on the television. The Mayor down at city hall was in trouble for stealing votes. The ballots where rigged they said. She calls in the Mayor's Office: "You don't have any salt on your sandwhich." Mayor: "Who's this!?" Catherine: "Mega Mind!." She hangs up the phone.

The Mayor's ballots where fixed and all was well. It turns out some thug named "Jimmy" was stuffing the ballot box!

Until next time....


-Jack Max

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